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MCPS Revised Elementary School Report Cards & PARCC Results
Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) Updates

1. MCPS is revising its Elementary school report card and grading scale for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year.  Please see the link for information and parent guides: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/info/grading/report-cards.aspx.  The change reflects input from parents, school staff, and community.  During the first marking period, Principals will hold school-level meetings and MCPS will hold sessions, throughout the county, to ensure all parents understand the new report card.  

MCPS is in the process of having the parent guides translated into other languages, so continue to check the link for additional translations.

PARCC results are posted by School:
  Please see the link to view overall performance data by school.  Using the tabs at the top, you can click on school, select county and select school name. http://reportcard.msde.maryland.gov/ParccOverview.aspx?PV=74:10:15:AAAA:1:N:0:13:1:1:0:1:1:1:3 

For a shortcut to College Gardens use: http://reportcard.msde.maryland.gov/ParccTrends.aspx?PV=71:3:15:0229:3:N:0:13:1:2:5:1:1:2:3  
Individual student reports will be sent home

NOTE:  There is an outside review of curriculum 2.0 occurring this year that will look at written curriculum and delivery, with a focus on how well MCPS aligns with Common Core.  The report, and recommendations, is anticipated to go to the Board of Education (BOE) in spring 2018. 

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