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MCPL's Summer Reading Challenge

MCPL’s Summer Reading Challenge! 

Full details will be on MCPL’s website starting June 1, 2022.

The summer of 2022 is filled with OCEANS OF POSSIBILITIES at Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL). In alignment with Montgomery County’s priorities, MCPL’s Summer Reading Challenge! is going green.  

Students will read towards a communal goal to make a tangible difference in local conservation efforts by reading books, doing activities, and attending virtual or in-person library programs, such as the county-wide kick-off event at Rockville Library on June 18.  As students complete missions, the Friends of the Library, Montgomery County MD, will make contributions to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, which in turn will plant trees along the watershed, plant oysters in the Bay, and clean up animal habitats. 

The Summer Reading Challenge! begins June 15 and runs through August 31, 2022. Full details will be on MCPL’s website starting June 1, 2022. Teens ages 13-17 have the extra opportunity to earn e-raffle tickets for prize packs. 

A highlight of mid-summer will be Shark Appreciation Week, when students will have the opportunity to participate in many shark-themed events at MCPL branches. And they can pick up or print a “Flat Shark Finley” to take on their summer adventures, which they can then share through social media.   

MCPL is eager to give you all the resources you need to help your students dive deep and keep up their reading skills while saving the Bay. Here is a video demonstration of how to sign up on the READsquared platform, and the updated grade level booklists available on the Summer Reading Challenge! landing page.  

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