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PTO hosts Passenger Safety Program for Students
On Wednesday, March 7, 2018 the GRHS PTO will host the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Passenger Safety Project's State Farm Distracted Driving Simulator, Virtual Reality Goggles and the Rollover Convincer to teach the dangers of distracted driving and seatbelt safety to the students of GRHS. Many thanks to local State Farm agent intern Thuy Tran and the PTO for helping to bring this program to the school for the second year in a row!

Juniors and seniors will attend an assembly that addresses the dangers of texting. Jamie and his mother, Katrina Chapman will speak to the students. Jamie is a local young adult who often goes out to schools to speak about his experience and the moment that changed his and his family's life forever. This is a link to the brief video that will be played during his presentation: https://youtu.be/LzAlv8Tffpo

The simulators are made possible through a grant from State Farm to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Passenger Safety Project in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The State Farm Distracted Driving Simulator and Virtual Reality Goggles allow participants to experience the dangers of texting and driving while in a realistic, but safe environment. Teens are also made aware of the main distraction for teen drivers – other teens in the vehicle! With technology at their fingertips, drivers are constantly faced with distractions, such as talking or texting, which places their safety and that of others at serious risk. TxDOT’s Talk. Text. Crash. campaign raises awareness of the dangers associated with distracted driving and encourages Texans to put down their cell phones while driving.

While distractions affect drivers of all ages, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has found that hand-held cell phone use is highest among 16- to 24-year- olds. This age group has the largest proportion of drivers who were distracted. In Texas, 46 percent of urban teens and 52 percent of rural teens talk on a cell phone while driving, and nearly the same percentage text while driving. (Texas A&M Transportation Institute). A study by AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety shows that distracted driving among teens was a factor in nearly 6 out of 10 moderate-to-severe teen crashes.

Eliminating distractions and putting away cell phones while driving can and will save lives. Drivers are reminded to put away their cell phones and wait until they arrive at their destination to use their phone. Although cell phone use is the most easily recognized distraction, all in-vehicle distractions are unsafe and can cause crashes or fatalities. Keep your eyes on the road and arrive alive!

Questions or would like more information about the program? Please contact Mike Guidry, B.F.A., Program Coordinator at Mike.Guidry@ag.tamu.edu or visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PassengerSafetyProject/

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George Ranch High School
8181 FM 762 Rd
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(832) 223-4200

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