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Socially Distant Cupcake Wars
Do you have a budding baker or a gourmet gator in your house? Want a fun family activity over the long weekend? CGES PTA is hosting a socially distant baking competition: Cupcake Wars! Plan out your cupcake & design then bake & decorate. Show your style in flavor or decorations and be true to you. You will submit your plan and two photos of your cupcake. We are accepting entries until the end of February after which teachers will vote based on the listed criteria. Want to participate, but need help getting supplies? Please reach out to Mrs. Rogovoy. We want everyone to be able to participate!
This link provides all the necessary information: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTP-YgkfoThxQcduA0wqlabiyQNWrFRlZlgd9i3XRwYy6E-nTL0u7hqpRezUScNFYWAEG-MpPD_04l7/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.gb5ef4d9208_0_95 

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