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PTA Membership

Dear Parents,

Supporting the College Gardens PTA directly benefits your child, other students, and the school!  The PTA supports many programs and activities including:

  • The Purchase of Chromebooks for students
  • Funding of Teacher Training and Supplies
  • School Book Fairs, Art Fairs, & Cultural Arts Assemblies
  • Back to School Socials, Movie Nights & Family Fun Nights
  • Kindergarten OrientationTeacher Appreciation Week, The 5th Grade Moving On Ceremony and much more. 

We cannot do all this without your help!  Your membership dollars and volunteer time make these events possible.  We understand if you don't have time to physically volunteer.  By joining the PTA and paying the membership dues, you are donating much needed funds to make these programs possible.  There are NO volunteer or meeting attendance requirements. The money from memberships will go directly back to the school to help with needs as they arise this coming year.

This year, we have simplified the memberships available, but we can gladly use any additional donations that you choose to make.

We encourage you to participate in any way that best fits your family.

Join today!  Membership levels include a $20 Single Membership or a $30 Family Membership for 2 Adults (that's a $10 savings!).Members will also get access to the CGES student directory 

You can join the PTA online by clicking here
.  Your voluntary tax-deductible donation of any amount is always welcome if you'd like to contribute another amount via this link.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Beth Ryan at

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