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Yearbook Update!

Yearbooks are still on sale now through May 15th.  We will not be able to accept orders after this date like we have done in the past.

You can order online at https://www.jostens.com/

Each yearbook will include an insert to mark the historic turn our school year took and this is where we will need your help!  Please send in pictures of your kiddos virtually learning, accepting Mr. Vaughn's daily challenges and how they are adjusting to our new "normal."  These pictures are due THIS FRIDAY, May 1st. 

Please send pictures and any questions to KensingtonYearbookSales@gmail.com.

We cannot wait to share the yearbook with all of you!

Our School
8701 Kensington Dr.
Waxhaw, NC 28173
(704) 290-1500

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