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2023/2024 Board Members
Greetings Knights families!! 
We are so excited to announce your new board for the 2023-24 school year!! We are grateful for every member that expressed interest in joining the KES PTO Board. 
The Nominating Committee was able to present the following slate of members who were officially voted in at our General Membership Meeting on Monday May 15. 
President: Kristan Holzman
Vice President: Cristina Scalise
Treasurer: Pamela Downs
Assistant Treasurer: Stacey Moss
Secretary: Brandy Garner
Co-Vice President of Events: Bree Rummell
Co-Vice President of Events: Lisa Maloy
Vice President of Fundraising: Jen Crowder
Kensington Dads Representative: Adam DeGeorge
We are thrilled for the new board to lead another spectacular year for our Knights families! 
We are also incredibly thankful for all the hard work from our current 2022-23 PTO board!!! The current board includes Erica Ones (President), MaryAnn Malecki-Sweeney (Vice President), Kristan Holzman (Treasurer), Brandy Garner (Secretary), Cristina Scalise (Events), Carla Sims (Fundraising Executive) and multiple representatives from Kensington Dads. 
The success of the PTO is not only due to the Board that puts in the many hours and hard work, it's also due to the parents and staff of Kensington who constantly support all efforts put forth by the board! Some of those PTO initiatives include Teacher Appreciation,  Fun Run,  Fall/Spring Festivals, Mother/Son and Father Daughter events, Game Night, Teacher Experiences, Munchie Cart, the dad's at car line on Fridays...the list goes on and on! 
We hope you enjoy the upcoming field days and end of year parties to celebrate the amazing year we've had!! 
Your 2022-23 KES PTO Board
Our School
8701 Kensington Dr.
Waxhaw, NC 28173
(704) 290-1500

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