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18/19 Meals Costs
Children need healthy meals to learn. Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools offers healthy meals every school day which consist of 1 meat/meat alternate, 1-2 serving of grains, 1-2 serving of meat, at least 1 cup vegetables & fruit and 1 cup milk.

All students receive breakfast at no cost to families.

Lunch costs $2.50 for elementary.

Your children may qualify for free or reduced price lunch meals for the price of $.40. 

Paying for Lunches
a.   MNPS does not offer online payments. Students may pay in cash or check (made payable to the school).
b.   Lunch prices and menus are available here:http://mnpsnutritionservices.org

Parental Oversight
a.   Parents/families can limit how much money their student spends each day or what type of food their student purchases during lunch. 
b.   Parents/families can set up these options by partnering with their school cafeteria. 

Applying for Free and Reduced Price Lunches

a.   Families who may be eligible can still apply online here: https://www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict

Download the MNPS app
a.   This information is also available in the MNPS app.
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