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to our
"No Brainer" Fundraiser
Our Goal
Our Poll
Which would you prefer we spend our funds on this year?
New playground equipment for grades K-2.
New playground surfaces for both playground areas.
Overall beautification to the front of our school.
Total votes: 3
Parents Or Teachers,
log in to vote!


Box Tops for Education

Dear Parents and Guardians, My name is Box Top Betty and I'm the volunteer Box Tops Coordinator at My School PTA. This year, our goal is to raise $3000 for new playground equipment. Here are three easy ways you can help: Clip - Clip the Box Tops from hundreds of participating products and send them to school. Each one...


Pleasant City Partners

Pleasant City Partners are local business that have pledged their support to our school through give-back programs when you show your PTA membership card. Please support the following local businesses with your continued patronage and special event nights that directly benefit our school. Paisano's Pizzeria Murphy's...


Spirit Fridays...Wear Your Turtle Spirit Shirt!

Show off your Turtle Pride every Friday by wearing your My School PTA Turtle Spirit Shirt!


Turtle Town School Store

Turtle Town School Store Shop for your favorite school supplies, spirit wear, and favorite snacks and treats. Open Daily Before School 7:30-7:55 During Lunch 10:00-12:30 After School 2:00-2:15


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Student Volunteer of the Month
Congratulations to JoAnn Darling! JoAnn has been coming in for 2 hours almost every day after she finishes school to help with the Kindergarten Shine...
Our Goal
For our
Our School
My School Elementary
555 Some Sweet Street
Pleasant City, FL
(123) 456-7890

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