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INVEST! Safety Campaign

Hi LDC Family,

Over the past month our Nashville community was stricken by the unthinkable at the Covenant School. This devastating event has made us all want to think a little bit deeper about what we can do to support LDC and give our kids the safest place possible to go every day.

After asking the LDC administration if there was anything they needed to provide the best security, two items came to the forefront: updated walkie talkies per staff and cement planters for the front sidewalk. In this short time, we have only been able to get a price estimate for the walkie talkies ($7k) and are awaiting the MNPS structural engineer's recommendations before seeking private funding for the concrete planters. These unbudgeted measures all come at a cost, but we are hopeful that with your help, we can provide them for LDC.

I’m writing to you to ask you to consider donating to the Invest! campaign one more time for this school year. The money we collect from now until the end of the school year will go into a fund that will be used towards additional security needs Principal Lewis and PTO feel would be beneficial to our LDC community.

Donations will be done primarily through the online system. If you would like to give a check, please send it to school in an envelope in your child’s folder labeled INVEST!

To donate, visit lockelandpto.org/invest. Or use the QR code.

So thankful for LDC and our awesome community,

Mandy Gillian on behalf of the LDC PTO

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