Welcome to the College Gardens PTA Website!
Before/After School Activities and Clubs
There are a wide variety of before/after school activities and clubs at College Gardens Elementary School. On this PTA website, please click on the Documents tab -> Activities/Clubs for more... more
Box Tops
Great news! If you're shopping for groceries online or have e-receipts, you can now submit your email receipts from select retailers to earn Box Tops for your school. Visit the following website for... more
PTA Membership
Dear Parents, Supporting the College Gardens PTA directly benefits your child, other students, and the school! The PTA supports many programs and activities including: The Purchase of Chromebooks for... more
PTA News Flash
Stay up to date on important College Gardens events and programs by subscribing to the Weekly PTA News Flash. The News Flash is sent out electronically each week. To subscribe to the News Flash, visit... more
Subscribe to PTA Calendar
Follow Directions Below to Subscribe to or Download the College Gardens PTA Calendar If you use Apple Calendar or Outlook you can click on this link to subscribe to the PTA calendar. Updates to the... more