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"No Brainer" Fundraiser
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Which would you prefer we spend our funds on this year?
New playground equipment for grades K-2.
New playground surfaces for both playground areas.
Overall beautification to the front of our school.
Total votes: 3
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Volunteer Program FAQ

Q: What do I need to do?

A: All  volunteers must register and have an approved criminal background check prior to volunteering. All volunteers approved must reactivate their registration EVERY year to avoid having to undergo another criminal record check. 

Q: Where can I register?

A: You may register on one of the 2 Volunteer check-in computers located in the main office.

Q: Who doesn't have to register?

A: Guest speakers and parents coming to school to eat lunch with their children do not need to be registered as volunteers. People who show up at schools for single or random occasions such as awards assemblies and presenters at career fairs, academic fairs and fundraising assemblies do not need to be registered as volunteers.

Q: Do I have to go to each school where I have children?

A: No, you can register at any school. Be sure to list all children and the schools they attend so that each school can be notified of your clearance status.

Q: How can I find out if I have been approved?

A: Your child’s teacher will be notified about your clearance status through our school’s front office. If you have questions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator through the  Contact Page on our website.

Q: How long will it take until I find out if I am cleared?

A: The amount of time it takes to process volunteer requests and background checks varies depending on the volume of requests. The highest volume occurs at the beginning of the school year. Parents and other volunteers are encouraged to register as early in the school year as possible.

Q: Can I volunteer at my child’s school while I am waiting for notification?

A: No. Unfortunately, all volunteers must register and receive clearance notification before volunteering at their children’s schools.

Q: If I am a chair for a committee, do I need to be registered as a volunteer?

A: Yes.  All committee chairs and members must be members of the PTA and must be cleared as a volunteer

Q: Am I allowed to have lunch with my child even though I have not been approved as a volunteer?

A: Yes.  The County School Board does not require parents to have volunteer clearance to eat lunch in the school cafeteria.   Note:  Kindergarten parents may be requested by their teacher not to have lunch with their child for the first few weeks of school to help children settle more easily into the kindergarten routine.

Q: What happens if I am denied?

A: Volunteer applications will be processed as approved or denied. Applicants who are denied will be notified in writing.  Approved applicants will be notified by the school.

Q: I am a school employee. Do I need to register if I want to volunteer in my child’s school?

A: No. Employees do not have to register as volunteers to perform volunteer roles outside of their job assignment, such as volunteering for their own child’s school and/or class.

Student Volunteer of the Month
Congratulations to JoAnn Darling! JoAnn has been coming in for 2 hours almost every day after she finishes school to help with the Kindergarten Shine...
Our Goal
For our
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My School Elementary
555 Some Sweet Street
Pleasant City, FL
(123) 456-7890

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