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Our School
Arnold Elementary School
95 East Joyce Lane
Arnold, Maryland 21012
(410) 757-4400
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Room Parents
If you want to contact the room parents for your child's class please check the list below:

2023-2024 AES Room Parents

Each school year PTA Parent Members are given the opportunity to sign up to be considered to serve as a room parent for their child's homeroom teacher.  Each homeroom teacher is assigned 2 room parents.  Room parents must be PTA members and have paid their annual dues.  Room parents must also have completed a commerical background check through AACPS. We have additional room parents to assist the special education and cultural arts teams. 

Room parents serve as a liasion and point of contact between the PTA, teacher and the classroom parents.  Additionally, room parents organize the class parties at Halloween and Valentines Day, gifts for their assigned teacher at holidays and other special occasions and represent the classroom at PTA events during the school year by volunteering at events such as Fall Festival (each homeroom class is responsible for a game/craft station), the Holiday Breakfast, the Sweet Spring Soiree and Teacher Appreciation Week.  

**Remember all Room Parents must complete an AACPS commercial background check.  More information can be found at the link below:

AACPS Volunteer Background Check Information

For more information please email our room parent coordinators at aesptaroomparents@gmail.com

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Sweet Spring Soiree
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