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Donate to your ERPTO
Where Do Donations Go?
The ERPTO (East Rochester Parent Teacher Organization) runs completely on volunteers and donations, and each and every dollar donated BY YOU...our East Rochester Community... goes RIGHT back into supporting our students.

We like to ensure that whenever there is a need in the school, we can help to financially offset those needs. When administration comes to us for assistance with an event, we want to do everything we possibly can to help.
If you are an ER-resident, if you are alumni, a teacher, a volunteer, a long-lost cousin, know that we appreciate your monetary and time donations.

If you want to get involved in the ERPTO, please reach out. If you DON'T want to get involved, but like throwing dollars at a good cause, know this is one of the best ones out there. We're here all year!


Mailing Address:
C/O Out of the Office Services, LLC
300 Main St, Ste 2/3
East Rochester, NY 14445
We Are The ER PTO

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