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Got Sneakers?
We want your old sneakers! 

The East Rochester PTO is excited to announce that we have partnered with Got Sneakers as a great way to recycle old sneakers and raise funds for our PTO!

Did You Know? Most people throw away their used sneakers every 125-200 days without ever thinking about recycling. Since sneakers are manufactured with materials that are not biodegradable, they remain in our landfills or are incinerated, which leads to toxic chemicals in our air and soil.

We want your old sneakers!  Please consider donating your old sneakers to help reduce negative environmental impact and raise funds for the ERPTO so we can keep doing what we do best - support our students!

Drop off at:
  • East Rochester Elementary School Main Office
  • Evans Banks Rochester Locations
  • Out of the Office Services - Business Hours
300 Main Street
Suite 2/3
East Rochester, NY
We Are The ER PTO

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