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Privacy Policy

This Online Privacy Policy is provided to make you aware of how VLink collects, uses and manages information of visitors to its Internet sites. VLink, the publisher of this website, views the personal privacy of users as an important issue and is committed to maintaining the security of personal information provided to it by users in accessing this website. This policy forms part of the terms of use of the website and describes how VLink treats personal information that it receives through your use of the website.

Please note: VLink makes some other websites available to you from hyperlinks in this website. These websites are not subject to the VLink Privacy Policy. You should review the privacy policy of each individual website you access via hyperlinks from this site, and assess whether the policy of each website is satisfactory to you before you use the other websites.
What information do we collect and how is it used?VLink does not collect any personal information from visitors to the site. VLink does collect the information from those that choose to demo the site, contact us through the site and/or participate in our periodic contests. This information is used to contact you at your request, providing you with additional information regarding the MyVLink product and is used for the selection of a "winner" if you have participated in our periodic contests.

Other than stated above, no attempt is made to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect logs, or where VLink believes it is required to collect and produce relevant electronic documentation to fulfill its obligation to third parties, including statutory organizations under local law.

VLink endeavors to use and disclose your personal information only in limited circumstances. VLink will do so if it is necessary to protect any copyright or intellectual property in the material in the website, or if it is necessary to enforce this website's Terms and Conditions of use.

Except as specifically stated in this Privacy Policy, we will not share your personally identifiable information with a company that is not associated with VLink.
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