Please take a moment to read over the Volunteer Policies & Procedures
Thank you for your interest in volunteering! For the safety and security of our students and our school community, below are a couple of requirements to fulfill before volunteering at Las Palmas Elementary School:
- Volunteer Button/Temporary Sticker to be worn while at school.
- Sign in in the office.
- Volunteer Guidelines read before (and observe while) volunteering.
Volunteer ID Button/Temporary Sticker (Required) Las Palmas requires that all volunteers wear a Volunteer ID Button (or a temporary sticker, available in the office) while volunteering on the school grounds.
Volunteer Guidelines Please observe these guidelines when volunteering. Thank you!
- #1 and required to volunteer CUSD requirments CLICK HERE
- Sign IN and OUT in the main office every time you volunteer.
- Wear your Volunteer ID BUTTON while at school.
- Volunteer for the WHOLE CLASSROOM, not just your child.
- Try to be QUIET and unobtrusive in the classroom. Focus on your task and limit talking with other adults (it’s distracting to the class?).
- Academic instruction must be left to certificated classroom personnel (district regulations). Volunteers provide GENERAL HELP AND SUPPORT.
- Respect CONFIDENTIALITY. Protect and respect information you see or hear, especially pertaining to a student’s work, behavior, or background.
- Be courteous, exhibit good behavior, and otherwise PROVIDE A POSITIVE ROLE MODEL for our students.
- Keep CELL PHONES OFF or on vibrate. If you need to take a call, please do so outside of the classroom.
- While in the hall, SPEAK SOFTLY and stay clear of doorways. Voices carry into the classrooms and are distracting to students and teachers.
- CONSULT THE TEACHER before bringing younger siblings or other children into the classroom with you when you volunteer.
- Some teachers do not use volunteers in the classroom, but appreciate help OUTSIDE OF CLASS. Check with each teacher about his/her needs.